Friday, August 7, 2009

“I prefer walkable cities”

"What's their Walkability Score?"

Just a few years ago, would you have thought a building could have a walkability score? A number of years before that, would you have guessed people would be choosing to live where their feet replace the car? Well all that has changed. Whether due to concern for the environment or the desire to live more like they do in Sex in the City, people across the country are now looking for places to live that allow them to get out and walk to their favorite spots, to meet up with friends and even to get to work.

Here in Denver the ability to use your feet to get around is fast becoming the thing to do. Ranked within the top ten Most Walkable US Cities by, Denver shares this walkable title with other cities such as Portland, New York and Seattle.

Solera Apartments, located in downtown Denver, is a place that helps Denver achieve its top ten ranking. With a score of 92 out of 100, Solera is deemed a “Walkers’ Paradise.” Four blocks east of Coors Field and five blocks north of Denver’s central business district, living at Solera will make walking a genuine and practical option for getting around.

You also won’t be alone – Denver’s downtown neighborhoods of Lower Downtown (“LoDo”), Central Business District and Ballpark now boast a collective population of over 7,000 residents. This means that the Solera building is joining an already bustling community. As a renter at Solera, you get to be in the newest building of the downtown Denver bunch.


About Zocalo Community Developments

Zocalo Community Development builds among the most sustainably-designed and constructed multi-family and mixed-use projects in the country. We believe that the buildings which emerge from a process focused on a commitment to higher levels of sustainability are inherently higher quality and of greater enduring value.

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